Paul Benedict Brand
This artwork is

0170 Bridge in Arles

The artist and his partner (later wife) went to Arles possibly following the footsteps of Van Gogh who had been so impressed by the light there. For whatever reason, this place inspired several paintings, including the Circus which marked a turning point in his approach to how paint could be applied to the canvas. This scene was first undertaken in watercolour, note the addition of the figure in green, most likely a picture of himself.


City and street


Oil and Acrylics /
Oil on canvas



Catalog no.


Size (H x W)

25 x 30


Send an enquiry about artwork catalogue number 0170.

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0170 Bridge in Arles

The artist and his partner (later wife) went to Arles possibly following the footsteps of Van Gogh who had been so impressed by the light there. For whatever reason, this place inspired several paintings, including the Circus which marked a turning point in his approach to how paint could be applied to the canvas. This scene was first undertaken in watercolour, note the addition of the figure in green, most likely a picture of himself.
City and street
Oil and Acrylics
Catalog no.
Size (h x w)
30 inches
This artwork is

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