Paul Benedict Brand
This artwork is

0260 Prototype Trial

Also known as 'Testing the Prototype', this is a scene from the story of Icarus - see also 'Daedelus and Icarus' (Cat. No. 160). Presumably the figure in white behind the wings is the Minotaur that Daedalus was imprisoned with in the labyrinth he'd designed for the King. In any event, the two were trying to escape imprisonment on Crete and it was Daedalus' ingenuity that enabled them to create the wings by which they could fly to freedom.




Oil and Acrylics /
Oil on canvas



Catalog no.


Size (H x W)

43 x 33


Send an enquiry about artwork catalogue number 0260.

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0260 Prototype Trial

Also known as 'Testing the Prototype', this is a scene from the story of Icarus - see also 'Daedelus and Icarus' (Cat. No. 160). Presumably the figure in white behind the wings is the Minotaur that Daedalus was imprisoned with in the labyrinth he'd designed for the King. In any event, the two were trying to escape imprisonment on Crete and it was Daedalus' ingenuity that enabled them to create the wings by which they could fly to freedom.
Oil and Acrylics
Catalog no.
Size (h x w)
33 inches
This artwork is

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